A Zaber & Zubair Environmental Initiative
They are from different universities and colleges from Dhaka. They have a commitment in common. They won’t let this planet die premature. So, they get together themselves under the umbrella of ZABER & ZUBAIR FABRICS.
From the beginning of the business ZABER & ZUBAIR FABRICS set all standards according to the environmental compliance which is formulating environmental laws in industries, control pollution of water, land, air and optimize use of water, energy and resources.
In 2016 Md. Abdullah Zaber, Deputy Managing Director of ZABER & ZUBAIR FABRICS has decided to embellish company’s environmental commitment in to a broader aspect. The company formed an independent social platform named ‘the OXYZENERS’ to partnering and participating on national and global environmental campaigns. The core objective of the platform is to promote young generation’s idea and involvements towards building an environmentally friendly world. The programs based on knowledge sharing, knowledge development, awareness creation, sustainability, sponsor and scholarship initiative and environment cleaning. Part of this campaign OXYZENERS organized an avant-garde activity call “hugging tree” at Ramna park Dhaka on 26th November Saturday, 2016 afternoon which was very first in its kind in the country. The objective of this program was to raise awareness and feeling towards usefulness of trees.
OXYZENERS team then started a project call ‘POINT 1 campaign’ which was focused on reusing the office waste papers. The team collected waste papers from the ZnZ offices and developed different office stationary goods with this. So, this huge waste papers got another lifecycle. The team OXYZENERS are Neel, Ronnie, Kajol, Tithi, Tushar, Nayeem, Irfan, Ovi, Biddya, Tonuka, Jannatul, Alin, Uma, Mukta, Shirin, Raj, Noman and Farhan.